We are proud to be one of the leading water analytical laboratory in North kerala. we have latest equipments and well trained Technicians to provide our clients with high quality service.Our laboratory is capable for analyzing physical,chemical and micro biological parameters of water and provide you with highly accurate results ontime.
Physical parameters define those characteristics of water that respond to the senses of sight, touch, taste or smell. Suspended solids, turbidity, colour, taste and odour and temperature fall into this category.
Firstname | Lastname | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
Chemically, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having the formula H2O. The most important chemical characteristics ofwater are its acidity, alkalinity, hardness, andcorrosiveness. Chemical impurities can beeither natural, man-made (industrial), or bedeployed in raw water sources by enemy forces. Some chemical impurities cause water tobehave as either an acid or a base. Since eithercondition has an important bearing on thewater treatment process, the pH value must bedetermined. Generally the pH influences thecorrosiveness of the water, chemical dosagesnecessary for proper disinfection, and the abilityto detect contaminants.It is chemically active, reacting with certain metals and metal oxides to form bases, and with certain oxides of nonmetals to form acids
Firstname | Lastname | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
Biological water characteristics are used to describe the presence of microbiological organisms and water-borne pathogens. Many organisms can cause illness when consumed by humans and animals. Micro-organisms and waterborne pathogens enter rivers and lakes either naturally or via the release of untreated or partially treated sewage.
Firstname | Lastname | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |